# 费孝通关于编写“重访江村”计划的交代   <费孝通>   英国老脱来奇书店1956年10月16日来信,署名弗兰克林:   “我们出版和已经印了几版你所著的中国农民生活一书,但过去两三年来销售日减,现已销完。现在的销路不多不拟再印此书。   “我写信给你。要求你假如你感觉到有价值重写,完全一本新版。不但指出过去原版时的情况而中国农民生活怎样在新的政府下发生的变化。从你以前所写那书论所有的变化和不幸(指沦陷区)。   “这个建议是否可能,如果你可以这样做,要多少时候我们才能得到你的稿子。”   我是2月里从西南回来才看到此信的。   曾请柳升祺替我覆信起草。说既已决定不印请把帐结一结。托代办宦乡同志转我。关于另写新书在考虑中,如果写,可以给你们优先出版。   我打算把信寄宦乡同志转去的。但后来没有寄。(没有打出来)拟的底稿一时找不到了。   在宣传会议时,和胡绳同志见面时。谈起此事。他说可以回去商量。后来同意由中国科学院经济研究所协助我进行这项工作出版事将来再说。   (我在江村住了20天,另有研究所助理3人住了2个月。为作为第一次调查,预备返京讨论后再定第二步。现在此项工作暂停,由经济研究考虑怎样进行。)   附原信   柳升祺代写给英国出版社的信   (Dear Mr.     Date.)   Thanks for your letter dated .I quite agree with you that there is no need for any further edition of my book“Peasant Life in China.”   I want also to thank you for the suggestion that I may write another book on the peasant life in New China.I shall certainly give it my prior consideration and keep y6u infor med about my progress.   In the meantime,I shall be thankful if you would kindly check up the balance of royalty payable to me oll my former work and remit it through the good officer of our Charge d’affaires,Comarade Huan Hsang,in London,and let me know accordingly.   (With best personal regards.)   Yours Sincerely.   (1)同意中国农民生活不再版   (2)同意再写一本新中国农民生活给他们出版   (3)请将过去版税交宦乡代办转给我   费孝通 8月7日   给他们出版是否妥当   此信并无寄出,原想寄宦乡代办,没有寄,因为考虑新写一本新中国农民生活是和胡绳同志说过的。   (注:此信即柳升祺在7月7日大会揭发费孝通与外国人通讯,由费交出。信后中文批字,系费来时自己批上去的。)   16th October,1956   Mr.Hsiao Tuny Fei,   Central Institute for Nationalities,   Peking,China.   Dear Mr.Fei,   We published and it Went through a number of editions your PEASANT LIFE IN CHINA but sales slowed up over the past two or three years and the book has now gone out of Print and present sales would not justify our reprin-ting it.   I am writing therefore fo ask if-as the book is about 20 years old-you would feel that it would merit a revision and bringing it out in an entirely new edtion showing not only the original edition but how peasant life in China has changed under the new government and how it has been affected by all the changes-and misfortunes since your book was first written.   Would this suggestion be a possible and if you could undertake it how long would it be before we could reckon to get the completed manuscript?   Yours sincerely,   Norman Franklin.    来源:《揭露和批判章罗联盟的军师-费孝通》,中央民族学院整风办公室编印,1957年8月。